Many residents in multi-family construction and high rise condominiums would like to replace carpeting with wood flooring. However such installations are concerning due to condominium requirements and building codes relating to noise which may transfer to neighbors down stairs.
Fortunately there are several ways to meet or exceed local codes and not violate your condominium association rules.
The most common material used for this purpose is cork. Typically 1⁄4” cork underlayment installed beneath wood flooring is provides sufficient acoustical dampening to meet all requirements. Bostik sells both 1⁄4” and 1⁄2” cork underlayment which may be glued to concrete subfloors using any of Bostik’s Urethane adhesives. Once the cork is installed, wood flooring is bonded directly over the cork underlayment with a Bostik Urethane adhesive.
The cork system is popular and proven. However installation of cork prior to the flooring adds considerable labor, materials cost and elevation. So, as an alternative to cork Bostik manufactures MVP4 which is a liquid applied urethane membrane with good acoustical dampening properties. MVP4 is simply applied with a notched trowel the afternoon before installation of wood flooring. It is a quick, easy process that does not add any appreciable elevation to the project.
There are various acoustical systems on the market. Most of which are compatible with with Bostik Urethane adhesives. For more information call Bostik Technical Service at 800 523 6530

Hi Guys, I just wanted to let you know that Rejuvenate Floor Cleaners just launched our reseller/affiliate program. And we’d love you to sign up. We've been getting a lot of inquiries from people who sell flooring products on how to resell our floor cleaners. It’s easy, for more information, just click on the link:
We sell your glue guns and they are an excellent product. We will direct our customers who are interested in flooring adhesives to this blog, it is a great resource.
We appreciate your support..
I am regularly impressed by cork, mostly for how many practical benefits it offers - like natural sound reduction, among many others. It's also a great way to go, either for underlay or for flooring tiles and planks too.
Cheers for the post!
yes your drawn much perfect relation between about wood flooring and Accoustical system
Thanks for sharing this info about wood flooring and accoustical systems. We don't really dive too much into that, but it's interesting to see a fellow flooring company blog about their products. We're launching our blog this week if you'd like to check it out!
It’s a known fact that the first thing people look at when they come to view your house is the floor!
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I like your way of presentation,its pretty simple and easy to understand.
It's a good thing there are many options for home owners these days that we can easily find flooring options for the apartment or house. I have found flooring Houston company that helped me greatly.
I have just purchased Bostik EFA+ and i am not sure of it's age. Lumber Liquidators sold it to me. The are not sure how long the glue has been on the shelf. I attempted to ope a 5 gal can and a clear liquid oozed out that is a bit tacky. Should I be worried? I did not see a date on the can. Any suggestions?
All of our Hardwood Adhesives have a 1-year shelf life. Also, the date code can be found on a yellow sticker ( the size of a price tag) on the face of the can near the lid. If it was made today it would say
The 12 reps the year and the 04 reps the month. 1-year after this date the product is still good. The rest of the numbers are lot-retain numbers.
The clear liquid is the thinning agent within the product. Please Stir it back in. If you dump it out it will be too thick.
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